Monday, September 10, 2007


Savannah had her 2nd RCRA rodeo this past Saturday. She did a great job and we are very proud of her. She wanted to ride my horse this rodeo. Her and "Angel" did a great job!! I did not get pics this time of the sorting, I was helping and missed her turn! Her and her Dad did this rodeo together and got to spend some quality time together. I am glad they had the opportunity to do that. The RCRA is a great organization and we are blessed to be a part of it.


Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Sounds like a great family activiy!

~ Amy ~ said...

Man, I really need to get my little girl a horse. We have horses at the farm, but I need one here at our place and one that's old enough she could do anything on it. She's not scared of them at all and so I know she would try to do everything with it.

Looks like you had great weather for your weekend and a lot of fun. Good job Savannah!!

Jamie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I will have to catch up on your blog. :) Have a great day!!

Midlife Mom said...

Yes I have done some horse totes in the past. I think I just have one in stock right now. I need to get a few made up. I did one for my niece that was pink with black horses on it, some jumping and some just riding. It came out really cute and she uses it for her school stuff. Glad you had another good rodeo! Your little girl does such a great job!!! Wish I could get her and T together so that T could get a bit more adventurous. You know the peer pressure thing, only this would be positive peer pressure. We always felt our horse showing was so good for our family to be doing it together. Lots of family time getting ready, being at the shows, traveling to and from the shows etc etc and talking about it all for weeks after. Wish I'd taken more pictures back then!!!

Front Porch Society said...

So glad she had fun and it sounds like she is doing a great job!! :) That is also great to hear that your entire family is involved in the showing - it is always nice to do things as a family unit. :) And I am sure she will treasure these times when she is older.

Lilli & Nevada said...

It is always good when a family can spend some good time together and what a better way to do that. I miss having a horse in my younger days i have enjoyed riding.