Monday, January 22, 2007


The following prayer was written by my brother in law and I wanted to share it with you. It is a great prayer for families especially during this day and age. May God be with you this next year in every aspect of your life. God bless!!

by Chris Jordan

Sovereign Lord and Father,

You created each of us and called us to glorify you in all things.

From the very beginning, you designed the family. We all are born into families, though each family is different, and none are perfect, You graciously and sovereignly chose and placed us in the family we are a part of.

We know that each person is shaped and developed by their family. We affirm that the biblical family is a scripturally ordered household of parents, children, and sometimes others forming the God-ordained building blocks of the church and society.

When the family is lacking You and Your word, families get off course, even leading their children down the path of destruction.

But when a family puts You as the head, they thrive and experience great blessings.

Not without pain, nor without heartache. But the storms of life are navigated much more effectively.

Our prayer today is for the redemption of our families.

Families represented in my home...the church...and throughout our nation!

As the family becomes will the will the nation.

You have blessed us with the spouse we have. You have granted us blessings in each child we have or will have.

Raise up men who will be men of God...that will lead their wives and children. Turn the hearts of fathers to their families...Put the desire in these men to hunger for You...learn more about shaped by You...set an example in our world for You.

Raise up women of virtue that will display the "inward adornment of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God." Empower women to be godly mothers and thereby impacting an entire generation for You. Help us as a church to proclaim the nobility and glory of motherhood.

Raise up children who are disciplined and desire to live righteously. Give them a desire to learn from their parents the ways of Christ. And where there is a lack of godly parents, help these children to overcome their circumstances and give glory to You.

Sanctify our families...protect them from evil influences and cultural agendas...Empower our efforts for love, discipline, guidance and godliness.

Do not allow members of our families to fall short of heaven.

Father, help bring more unity between the Church and the Home. Both are needed...both are desired.

This is our prayer...Families for Your glory we pray..Amen

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